January 21, 2006

Planning for 2006

It’s time to plan my new investment next year; I used to count the New Year in our own convention, when begins from the Jan 28th this year. It’s not a constant so that we need to re-count the New Year’s Eve in 2007. Ha, it’s not the point.

Make the target clear; it’s the most important coming first, no matter how big the bonuses I will win, or challenges I may face to. It will be suffering if you let both of them be blurry. It’s anguished enough when you’re not sure how much you will be redounded upon conquering the challenges; say nothing of your lean cognition about what you’re going to face indeed. It seems the fortune's wheel is twiddling with you, and challenging you time and time again with hopeless. But who runs your fortune’s wheel? It’s no one else but you. You chose the bonuses first, and then have to face the challenges. There won’t be any challenges as soon as you give up the bonuses you’re expecting. You know what I mean now? So change your focus from the challenge to the chance, asked yourself would you really hope that thing first, and then find the way to reach that point. Telling yourself how long you will work for it comes for the follow. Calculate the challenge, risk, and cost you may be charged with at the last step.

By this moment, you find what you want, how to achieve, how long it will last for, and how much you will pay for it. Ask yourself again if you still want to be even though. Choose your answer. “Yes?” Keep on doing it, and you should not complain about the destiny, you chose it. “No?” give it up, challenges will never appear. Don’t confuse the sequence and neglect your right of choice. Choice is the most distinguished, uncommon rights for a human being. We own our destiny because we choose; we lost our destiny because we’re chosen by others. It’s absolutely what we are strive for all our life.

Other Ways for Browsing BlogSpot.com

Other Ways for Browsing BlogSpot.com

My previous post talked about the best way for browsing blogspot.com, I believe once you find the best way, you won’t try the others any more. But here, I still provide several methods collected from the other sites for you to review. I personally combine different ways simultaneity, because all of them is using proxy browsing for core technique, the most two challenges for a proxy browsing are synchronization with the original and server availability; I’ve met 503 (Service Unavailable) error many times when using “.nyud.net:8090” as you will see below. Sometimes the proxy server may block images which linked from a different site, it happens. So I also recommend you to prepare all these goods for keeping your pleasure in surfing, some ways will be work for other sides at the same time, yet some maybe just fit in browsing blogspot.com, you’ll find.

1. “Ultrasurf 6.9”, a popular tiny soft developed by Ultrareach.Net, it’s a dynamic proxy hunting application provide fast, transparent, and encrypted access to the internet. It hunts for three available proxies at the same time, and you can easily switch between one and the others by mouse clicking, without change the proxy configuration in IE setting. The 6.9 revision is the latest version for IE, if you’re using a “Firfox” or “Opera” browser like me, set the proxy server address to with a 9666 port number, after you lunch Ultrafurf. If you have problems in downloading the soft, because the site is blocked either, remember the “Best Way”? There’re other soft wares in the same mechanism, such as “Freegate” and “Garden”, all of them are good staffs for you.

2. “.nyud.net:8090”, the Coral CDN, it call “The Coral Content Distribution Network” in all and it’s a peer-to-peer content distribution network, comprised of a world-wide network of web proxies and name servers. There are up to 260 servers world-wide now. Accessing through Coral is as simple as appending a short string to the hostname of objects' URLs, such as you can visit CetaMac’S Blog by adding “.nyud.net:8090” behind the URL, which means http://cetamac.blogspot.com will be http://cetamac.blogspot.com.nyud.net:8090. Many bloggers have mentioned this way and I first found it on WebLeOn's Blog, which giving an extension for my Mozilla Firefox browser to access blogspot.com and typepad.com directly from my “right-click” menu but not type a “.nyud.net:8090” postfix every time. Coral CDN provides some other useful plugins for “Searching” and “Book marking”. If a Chinese interface will be your prefer, WebLeOn has been so kind to rework and publish a Chinese version. If you are using IE explorer, my suggestion will be give it up and switch to Firefox, or you can still using your IE but add “.nyud.net:8090” behind the site’s URL in the IE address bar. Pasting below is a real-time “Current Deployment” map for Coral CDN server.


3.”Subscribe with BlogLines”, you can subscribe a blog by entering the feed address or submit the username to BlogLines, which the blogger register on blogger.com. You can find it by first octet of the full blogspot.com URL. For example, you can subscribe Ceta.Mac’S Blog by entering my feed address (http://feeds.feedburner.com/Cetamac) or submit my username which is as same as first octet “cetamac” in my blog’s full URL (http://cetamac.blogspot.com). Certainly, you will find it much easier by a simply click here, and I’d like to say:” Thanks for subscribing my blog.” :)

4. “Tradition” and “Classical” but “Silly” way, find a proxy server, and then let it redirect you to the side. You can find some proxy address on……Oh……come on!! Ignore this Tommy rot.

Related Links:
The Best Way for Browsing BlogSpot.com
Tagged for: del.icio.us    

January 20, 2006

Sweet Love

I met her parents more than one year ago, and attended their feast.
Her father, who is a handsome, talented, and honest young man, could not wait to tell me this, as soon as the first day he had become a father. I received his 3 months old darling’s picture at night and post here for giving my sweet love a hand to tell the world about her coming. Maybe her sound is not sonorousness enough just at this time.

January 19, 2006

3 Sentences from Sun.Jason

-- You really are the son of THE GOD.
-- You are the 1 percent of all the people in your age.
-- Even you lost, no pressure, you still own the first two points from THE GOD.

The ones who always stand by you must always gonna be the......

Stay in the 5Ws you're

Stay in the 5Ws you’re.

“You’re not breathing, every time you get in the pressure, and you’re holding your breath. Now stop doing that.” —— Collected from “Million Dollar Baby”

Almost every day, we face to the pressure, worry, and other negative emotions, more or less. Maybe the guys like me who running self business face more. It may not be helpful if you try to escape from these emotions, or simply tell yourself to be positive. Negative and positive are a coin’s two sides; they come together with our choice for life. The first day I chose to found my own company, then means I chose more fortune (maybe) and more pressure and challenges. Negative emotions come because you chose the other side of the coin. Am I happy for my choice? Yes, I am. So, I will enjoy the elements which my happy choice brings in my life, maybe positive, maybe positive.

I am not talking about how to handle pressure here, you cannot handle pressure, and the only way you stay with it is the only way you stay with your fortune. What’s the way you stay with your fortune? Enjoy it. Yes, so if you can enjoy your fortune, vice versa. Until now, people do not prove whether fortune brings the pressure or pressure brings the fortune. Remember they’re the two sides of a coin, yes?

Life is journey to the mountaintop, there’re ascents and downhill paths on the way long, yes, two sides of the coin. I believe when we get to the mountaintop, the sceneries won’t gap much. We share and enjoy the same sceneries. Things we worth to aftertaste, are the things we fall across only by ourselves. That must be the ascents and downhill paths on the road, and both sides of the coin.

What is the 5Ws you’re?
---- When are you at the moment?
---- Where are you on the earth?
---- Who are you staying with?
---- What are you doing in this very snippet of your life?
---- Why you choose this branch path?

You’re the only one who own them all, so why not have a deep breath, then enjoy to the top of your bent?

January 18, 2006

Lawyer letter from the bank?

I extended credit to nearly 11,000 last 3 month, because of the buzi travel; the bank doesn’t have a branch in the city where I am, so the bill stays up to now. The bank mentioned about the bill several times in different way, by sms, by phone, by mobile, and this time, by lawyer letter. It’s lucky I don’t leave an email address on my account profile, otherwise, it’s not a surprise they send tons of email for me. I have though about transit the bill for them by my online bank, but I have to provide the bank’s branch address where I create my account. Every time the bank phoned me, I asked for their branch address, -- they didn’t know! Ha, it seems they are absorbed in asking me to pay my bill, but do not care about how I could pay my bill for myself. The sms messages are also funny, “PAID THE BILL BACK, PLEASE!!!” Woo, are they shouting on my screen?

OK, this is the bank! They entice you expand your overdraft, so that they make large amount of incoming from the highly interest. But at the same time, they are scared about you don’t repay the money. I am not criticizing their model for margin, I am just think they should pay more attention in taking care of their client while swindling high level margin from them. If they think a lawyer letter would handle everything, let me say, go ahead.

Once, they make me to be sick of their 9:00 am, 11:45am, and 2:30pm calling only for the money.

I start to fight back: “Well, How can you say these words, SIR? I wonder where your wage comes from. It absolutely comes from the accrual I pay for the credit card every month. Yes, I have arrearage, but you account my arrearage by highly interest at the same time. On the other side, if everyone like me pays off our arrearage at once, how can you keep your income from my pocket? Dame it, notice your service but not only focus your eyes on the money. Have you think about how many ways for me to pay the arrearage? Can you provide the information I need? All you have done is keeping asking for money. Money will not come to your pocket if you only shouting at it. If you cannot tell me where the fucking branch address, hand up my mobile, you are wasting my phone bills even now!”

January 17, 2006

A Time tagged "beta"

Go to google, it's easy to find such many "beta" tags on the site. Gmail "beta", Google Reader "beta", Google Talk "beta"........everything on google tagged "beta" except search engine and blogger, oh thanks god. Well, Ceta may doubt if these are “beta" services or google is just simply a "beta" company? Woo......some guys think google is the god of the internet, if both of the above are approved, can we make a further conclusion that the internet we're connecting on is just a "beta" programme? And how many percents of your life rely on it, that means how many percents of your life is a "beta". It may be an afflictive word. But just search around on the other sites, flickr "beta", msn messenger "beta", Microsoft Windows AntiSpyware "beta".

A time tagged "beta" has come, and may we should develop the new living skill in this new age. When every little thing filled in our life has been tagged "beta", maybe you could call it “Ceta's time age”. :D I also tried a "beta" post yesterday, which used "U" instead of "you" and "U'r" instead of "your", but as you're reading this, I give it up. :)

Every time I developing my new skill on things, I change my view and feeling first, in order to face them fairly. If the "beta" tag makes me uncomfortable, that’s because I identify it as a semi finished article and full of bugs. Think a little deeply, "beta" tag give me no sureness. How to make a break through? -- Re-identify the “beta” tag. The main reason make this popular "beta" tag is nothing but speed, the internet offer the speed for it. Internet is a lab for fangled testing, it provides million of Connors for your fangled, it maybe the fastest way to find out the bugs, and consummate your service by publishing your fangled on the internet for frees (trying for free). It's so fast as to forget picking off the "beta" tag. An idea is converting to be praxis in internet speed. You don’t even need a “beta” code or something, just an good idea, publish to the net, buildup a project, other people will provide you the code, suggestion, and even funds you may need to develop the project.

Then what's the new qualification for a "beta" age? What I do is just simply tagging myself a "beta". When you want to do studies in new fields, are you still planning, discussing, designing, and then make an action schedule? You may do these except you could finish them all in a day. If you insist to the flow processing just as what you are doing in the 4 years college days, forget them all, and just do it. Otherwise you may found the fields are completely disappearing or nothing like what it formerly being when you finish all of your researching. Learning will not be an isolated processing any more; learning will be an integrated processing through out designing, implementation, operation and optimization. You cannot stop learning in this process as you can learn nothing before you start to “beta” this process.

Willing to be a blogger? Then blog it!
Willing to start your own business? Then build it up!
You will learn on the way.

January 16, 2006

Sham Links vs. Virtual Links?(SL)

Let's continue our talking about sham-link and virtual-link, today is sham-link's turn.

Think about a scenario as this.
U'r Company has chosen MPLS/VPN service for connecting the abroad branches from the service provider, and use OSPF as the routing protocol. While at the same time U suggest that the company should also buy a E1/T1 link, act as a backup path for the MPLS/VPN. This ensure the high available for U'r network. So, the gateway router will be connected to the SP that offers U MPLS/VPN service. And this gateway router, we call it Customer Edge (CE) router, and the link is a primary link for data transmission. Then the router which U'r SP used to connect U'r site we call it Provider Edge (PE) router. Don't forget u'r backup link, the CE router may connected to another or the same SP, but a different WAN service -- E1/T1. U design the CE router will retain the communication with the remote site through this backup E1/T1 even if the MPLS/VPN service is down somehow. This backup link is known as backdoor path.

Although OSPF PE-CE connections assume that the only path between two client sites is across the MPLS VPN backbone, backdoor paths between VPN sites may exist. If these sites belong to the same OSPF area, the path over a backdoor link will always be selected because OSPF prefers intraarea paths to interarea paths. (PE routers advertise OSPF routes learned over the VPN backbone as interarea paths.) For this reason, OSPF backdoor links between VPN sites must be taken into account so that routing is performed based on policy. Now this is why we talking about sham-link here.

At this moment, U'r CE router may received two kinds of routes to reach the remote site,
1. Received from the MPLS/VPN that redistributed from BGP to OSPF, this route create U'r primary path, and flood as LSA3 (inter-area) route.
2. Received directly form the remote site router by the E1/T1 backdoor path, this route create U'r backup path, and flood as LSA1(intra-area) route.

Unexpected situation happens, the primary path and the backup path changes their role because OSPF prefers intraarea paths to interarea paths as we explain above.

If the backdoor links between sites are used only for backup purposes and do not participate in the VPN service, then the default route selection shown in the preceding example is not acceptable. To reestablish the desired path selection over the MPLS VPN backbone, U must create an additional OSPF intra-area (logical) link between ingress and egress VRFs on the relevant PE routers. This link is called a sham-link.

Note: A sham-link is required between any two VPN sites that belong to the same OSPF area and share an OSPF backdoor link. If no backdoor link exists between the sites, no sham-link is required.

Because the sham-link is seen as an intra-area link between PE routers, an OSPF adjacency is created and database exchange (for the particular OSPF process) occurs across the link. The PE router can then flood LSAs between sites from across the MPLS VPN backbone. As a result, the desired intra-area connectivity is created by specify a lower metric for the sham-link, than which is specified for the backdoor path.

In summary, U should configure an OSPF sham link under the following circumstances:

* Two CE routers are linked together by a Layer 3 VPN.
* These CE routers are in the same OSPF area.
* An intraarea link is configured between the two CE routers.

If there is no intraarea link between the CE routers, U do not need to configure an OSPF sham link.OSPF treats the link through the Layer 3 VPN as an interarea link. By default, OSPF prefers intraarea links to interarea links, so OSPF selects the backup intraarea link as the active path. This is not acceptable in configurations where the intraarea link is not the expected primary path for traffic between the CE routers.An OSPF sham link is also an intraarea link, except that it is configured between the PE routers. U can configure the metric for the sham link to ensure that the path over the Layer 3 VPN is preferred to a backup path over an intraarea link connecting the CE routers.

January 15, 2006

Sham Links vs. Virtual Links?(VL)

Well, several weeks ago, Ceta joined an orkut community in which talking about OSPF networking. One of the topics is discussing the different between sham links and virtual links in OSPF network implement or designing. ha, in fact, they're totally different solutions for different networking design, so it's not comparable between SL and VL. I should reply the post except that there's handicap in posting figures on orkut. So, let me explain the detail below, and wish "Pankaj" will see my blog here.
Can anybody give me some idea about th
e difference between OSPF sham link & virtual. I mean in which scenario sham link is used & in which virtual link is used. What LSA type is flooded over a sham link & what LSA type is flooded over virtual link.
Virtual Links comes the first part:
All areas in an OSPF AS must be physically connected to the backbone area (area 0) or area if you configure your network on Juniper Routers. Unfortunately in some cases where this physical connection is not possible, you can use a virtual link to connect to the backbone through a non-backbone area. At the same time, you can also use virtual links to connect two parts of a partitioned backbone through a non-backbone area. So, there’re two functions of VL in all. I emphasize here because so many engineer ignore the second one in their work, and this may cause a sub optimized solution which created two different OSPF processes for each backbone area, then make an inter-process redistribution in order to received complete route from both sides. Further more, the area through which you configure the virtual link, known as a transit area, must have full routing information. The transit area cannot be a stub area. In this example, the virtual link connects area 7 to the backbone through area 5:

A virtual link is created between the routers with router ID and router ID

R1(config-router)#area 5 virtual-link
R2(config-router)#area 5 virtual-link

After the VL has been established, routes from area 7 should be transit to the backbone area by the VL, vice versa. Now, I would like to do a further explanation about VL here, because "Pankaj" mentioned about the LSA type in his post. The question is “what is a Virtual Link in fact?” or “can we solve the problem without a virtual link technology? Let’s disconnect the virtual link first:
R1(config-router)#no area 5 virtual-link

R2(config-router)#no area 5 virtual-link

As soon as you issue this commands, the routes from area 7 now disappear on the backbone routers. Then, we create a tunnel between R1 and R2, and we put the tunnel in the OSPF backbone area, let’s see what will happen:

R1(config)#interface tunnel 0

R1(config-int)#ip address
//allocate an IP address for this virtual interface
R1(config-int)#tunnel source loopback 0

R1(config-int)#tunnel destination
//make sure there’s useable route to the destination
R1(config-int)#router ospf 64

R1(config-router)#network area 0
R2(config)#interface tunnel 0
R2(config-int)#ip address

//allocate an IP address for this virtual interface

R2(config-int)#tunnel source loopback 0

R2(config-int)#tunnel destination
//make sure there’s useable route to the destination

R2(config-int)#router ospf 64

R2(config-router)#network area 0

Now, a tunnel is created between R1 and R2, then we find the flow instances:

1. R1 and R2 establish a new neighbor ship with each others, by the interface “tunnel 0” which is the virtual interface we created above.

2. R1 changed it's role from an internal router to both of an ABR and a Backbone Area Router. Note, R1 was not an ASR before, though it connects both area 5 and area 7. The router which connects backbone area and other area(s) is defined as an ABR, a router will not be defined as an ABR unless it connects the backbone area, no matter how many non-backbone area it has connected.

3. The most important, all route generated from area 7 now has been advertised to the backbone area now, vice versa.

I think we could make a summary here, a virtual link actually is a tunnel which fall in the backbone area, and expand the backbone area to a router which is not connected directly to the backbone area, then make the isolate router an ABR. Only ABR would generate LSA3 to the the backbone area. So, OSPF floods LSA1 in the tunnel or we call it virtual link customarily to build the neighbor ship and make itself an ABR, then flood LSA3 to the backbone. I will talk about sham-links next time.

What will be shared on this blog?

OK, I am a self-employee at present, though I don't like this appellation personally. According to the criterion from the "Rich Dad", I've build and owned 2 companies when I was 24 years old. But I'm always on the way of keep setting up new companies, and doing everything while everybody is doing on their startup. I do my business in technology training, IT service. And now, I am trying the new challenge or chance in the certification field again. So, I have my third company. All I want to share with you are the every fragmentary idea during this journey, every single technical experience I collected on the road, and every precious funny time in this tough course. Now a darker shadow has fallen over the world, threatening to extinguish all life - all hope. The drums of war play upon the winds once again - rising urgently towards the inevitable hour when the skies will rain fire - and the world will tremble before the coming of the Burning Legion. The Day of Judgment has come...... -- I always love this sentence from the “War Craft iii”.